Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Hudson Taylor

So some months before moving here to La Paz I was going through a discipleship program with my pastor back home and he recommended that I read a book called Hudson Taylor’s Spiritual Secret. Hudson Taylor was a very well-known missionary to China in the 1800s. One of the first people to try to take the Gospel message to the inland of China.

Well when I read the book sometime this past fall I took some notes because it really impacted me. Well this morning here in La Paz I stumbled across the notes I had written. I wanted to share a few with you. Maybe I shared these with you last fall but they have so much more meaning to me now five months into the mission field. So here we go again…just a few that jumped out at me.

• “God’s work, done in God’s way, will never lack God’s supplies.”
• “The work they were undertaking was far too great to be limited to any one denomination.”
• “We may have more wealth in these days, better education, greater comfort in traveling and in our surroundings, even as missionaries, but have we the spirit of urgency, the deep, inward convictions that moved those who went before us; have we the same passion of love, personal love for the Lord Jesus Christ? If these are lacking, it is a loss for which nothing can compensate.”
• “No matter how intricate my path, how difficult my service. No matter how sad my bereavement, how far away my loved ones are. No matter how helpless I am, how deep my soul-yearnings are – Jesus can meet all my needs, and more than meet them.”
• The hardest part of a missionary career, Mr. Taylor found, is to maintain regular, prayerful Bible study. “Satan will always find you something to do.”

I hope these bless and encourage you like they did me.

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