Saturday, June 07, 2008


I have heard it said that absence makes the heart grow fonder.
In my current situation with my family and friends I now know this is true. I miss my family and friends now more than ever.

But what about with God?

When you are separated from the presence of God do you grow fonder of Him? Or does your absence from Him make your heart go yonder? Do you miss Him? Are you sad when you don’t feel close to Him?

These past two weeks I have started to learn what it feels like to miss the presence of God. I am starting to long for His presence more and more. I am basically in the middle of a revival right now. The healings continue here in La Paz and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit continues. It is simply overwhelming. And all of us here don’t exactly know what is happening but we know that God is doing something BIG.

And this is what I started to think about. And I know that others here feel the same. We are experiencing the presence of God with such force right now that as we leave and go about our day we are starting to miss Him. Not like a “Oh, wouldn’t it be nice if we felt the presence of God right now” missing Him. I mean like a “I need God’s presence so much right now that I am going to do whatever I can to get more of it” missing Him. It is a deep longing in our souls that something is missing. Have you ever felt that? Truly felt that?

Have you ever felt the presence of God so much that when you didn’t feel it you missed Him? Have you ever had a void so big filled in your life that you are super sensitive when it is not as strong?

Take the person that you love the most in this entire world and imagine being separated from them. You would of course miss them deeply. Do you feel that way with God?

I can now say that I can feel this. I have felt God’s presence so much these past two weeks that when I go some time without seeking His presence I just don’t feel right. Something is missing and I am hyper-sensitive to it right now. We have been having these amazing experiences with Christ each night that when we go about our day we just miss Him.

From what I have seen and experienced I think this is where the Body of Christ is headed. We are heading towards constant worship of our Lord and Savior. Not to say that serving others is unimportant. All I am saying is that I sense us going after Him more than ever. Or maybe I am going away Him more than ever and I am just running into others along the way. No idea.

I asked the worship leader for these nightly worship and healing services if the church was going to continue the services or stop this Saturday night like they originally thought. He told me that they will probably continue and he told me why. He said that they feel like they are on a train right now and they are scared to stop because they don’t know what will happen. They are scared to stop worshipping and healing every night because once you experience the presence of the Spirit like this…how can you stop?

How CAN we stop?

I love it and that is what I feel. I have experienced the Spirit so much these past few weeks and I have experienced so much victory, joy and peace in my life that I cannot stop.

If I go a day without seriously seeking His presence I just don’t feel right. I wish that for you. And I know that there are people who read my blog that are on different levels and at different places spiritually. Some might get what I am talking about and some might think that I am crazy.

But I wish that every one of you could experience the presence of God so much that you truly, deeply miss Him when you go about your daily business.

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