Friday, September 05, 2008


So I officially have all of my flights booked now. My flights from La Paz to Miami AND from Miami to the ATL. I arrive to Atlanta in the evening on December 5th and leave in the evening on January 8th.

I just got real excited all of the sudden. The fact that I know that I will be visiting home in a few months is realing making me happy right now.

I did not realize how much I missed everyone until I actually bought the plane ticket.

Can't wait.


JB said...

I can't wait either bro...Seriously looking forward to it...

Adam said...

come on home!

WT said...

sweet! and don't forget that you're booked already the weekend of the 19th and for new year's. not that you could! :)

we're excited for all the things you're doing for God's people of bolivia, all the changes in your own life & heart, and just to see our friend again!