Wednesday, September 10, 2008



It is early morning on Wednesday, September 10th and I wanted to send you a prayer request. Today myself and two others will be giving an all day communications workshop to organizations that are part of the Red Viva network here in La Paz.

Just please pray that God's hand guides us today. And pray that He speaks through each of us to help these organizations that are serving Him here in La Paz better communicate the work that He is doing through them.

We will be trying to help very small ministries buy into the importance of making time for communication and we will also be trying to help some very large national ministries improve upon what they already do.

Please pray for us today and pray for me especially because I will be giving my part of the presentation/workshop in Spanish. It will not be translated so I am sure that it will be another great learning experience in a long line of learning experiences this year.

But the bottom line is that God is giving us the amazing blessing and opportunity to impact roughly 15 different organizations in one day. It is a great use of time. His kingdom and His work deserve the best marketing that it can get because I believe that He is the best product that this world has to offer.

I promise you a few photos and a recap later in the week. Thanks so much.

1 comment:

JB said...

I hope it went well brother man...