Thursday, May 22, 2008

I love God.

I love how whenever I really need Him He is always there to pick me up. These last few days have been a truly great example of that rescue and I have really felt His presence. I surrendered to Him some things that I was trying to control and when I did that...things just started to fall into place.

I am just continuing to realize how much importance I place on getting things done. WHAT I accomplish is extremely important to me.

And every single time I get frustrated by this God shows me that HOW I accomplish things is way more important than WHAT I accomplish. HOW I love people is the real key not WHAT I check off the list.

I think in my mind I am hoping to come back to the states in December and stand up in front of people and say…”Wow. Look at all these things we accomplished for God this past year. What a great first year in Bolivia.”

And although that is important I really think that God wants me to get up in front of people and say…”Wow. Look at all these people that God loved through me this past year in Bolivia. Isn’t He great.”

I am changing my perspective. I am starting to not focus as much on the things that I haven’t done here…I am starting to just stop and praise God for the things that He has already done here…the things that I have already been a part of in five months. Focusing on what needs to be done is very important but I think, for me at least, sometimes I just focus too much on that. And I want to pause more and thank God for what He has already done. Because He has done some amazing things.

I encourage you…you might be struggling right now with all the things that need to be done but please just take a few moments to stop and praise God for what He has already done in your life. When I get frustrated here in La Paz it is simply because I am trying to be in control. And when I get to a low enough point I realize that God is in control. And then I surrender control to Him and amazingly enough the joy and peace return to my life.

I have gotten used to joy and peace in my life.
And I miss them when their gone.

Welcome back joy and peace.


Joanie said...

great post, thanks for the encouragement!

Chris said...

Dude, I think it glorifies God even more when we don't know what we are doing...when He does things and bears fruit in those times that we are just abiding in Him without understanding. It makes it easier for us to acknowledge Him and His light shines through even brighter.

Let it rain.