Tuesday, May 27, 2008


God is doing amazing things this week. In fact, I dare say that this past week I have felt closer to God than ever before here in Bolivia. I am just saying that God is moving. There is one church here that just started meeting in a new space with their youth and the presence of God is so strong that they are having worship events every night this week. They don't want to stop praising. I will be there tonight. And, personally, I have seen some real fruit this week and, once again, God knew exactly what I needed when I needed it.

I know that it is no coincidence that this has been one of my best weeks here. About a week ago I seriously surrendered everything that is going on here to God. Seriously. I mean like really getting up every morning and saying, “God. I cannot do this. Please show up on my behalf today.”

And believe me…when you pray that prayer God shows up. It’s like He is waiting to hear us say that.

Some amazing fruit this week. Real progress with the team that I am working with here. We put all of our projects on paper and it is like 30 projects. Crazy. But we have a plan and we are prioritizing and it feels great.

Also, I think I have mentioned before that I have been working with a Foundation in El Alto called Adulam. They minister to youth with addictions and they were in need of new brochures and bookmarks to promote what they are doing. I met with them and worked with a designer to get it done. And today we are sending the brochures and the bookmarks to the printer.

I know it sounds like a simple project and I did these projects every day back in the states but you don’t understand. Here it means so much more. Here one project being completed feels like 10 projects in the states. I just praise God that He has allowed me to see some visible, tangible fruit.

To use my marketing background, the skills He gave me, to help advance His kingdom is quite possibly one of the best feelings I have ever had in my life.

Here are the brochures and bookmarks so you can see the fruit also. The brochure is a tri-fold and it is hard to get an idea of exactly what it is like from these images but you get the idea. We did brochures and bookmarks in English, Spanish and Dutch.

1 comment:

Missy said...

Hi Curt,

The brochures look great! And I see that the picture you liked made the cover. Fantastic job!

Love you,