Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Day 1

This afternoon the team visited a project called "Qhanawara". This is an Aymaran word which means "Stars that Shine Bright."

It is located on the outskirts of El Alto heading towards Oruro. Very rural area. The project is basically a "Center of Support" for kids in the area. They have a program after school every day from 2 - 5 and sometimes on the weekends. About 35 kids from the surrounding areas are part of the program right now and they range in age from 4 to 15. They help the kids with school work, teach them Christian values, pray with them, teach them skills, play games with them, do other activities with them, etc...they are also trying to minister to the parents. Not all of the kids have both parents of course. Some don't have dads. Some don't have moms.

It is a super cool program. And of course I fell in love with the kids. (There I go and fall in love with the first project that I visit.) The project has some serious needs to address and they have land nearby where they hope to build a larger center (with a health center) to minister to even more kids.

If I get permission from the director, I will post some photos of the kids.

The project is about an hour away from my house but it would be a perfect project for me to visit two times a week in the afternoon to minister to the kids. We will see. It is the first project that I have seen this week but you never know what God might have planned.

Today one little boy asked me if I would take him to the United States tomorrow. And one little girl kept holding my hand and she asked for my autograph. I tried to tell her that I wasn't famous.

So one project down and more to go. God only knows what tomorrow's visits will involve. I think we are visiting a street children project tomorrow here in the city.

I'll keep you posted.

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