Check out my sweet shirt and badge.
I am all official now and stuff. PSMC is a program in La Paz that I am helping. They are currently working with fourteen different ministries that all work with at-risk kids. Their ultimate goal is to help churches and ministries better serve the kids that they work with. The program takes each organization through six different modules of training to help them improve their service to kids in various areas. It is a cool program. My goal with this program is really two-fold. One goal I have is to help PSMC communicate their program to churches and ministries working with at-risk kids in La Paz. Right now this involves the development of a website for the program. I am working on planning and implementing a website for this program and I am trying to get it launched by the end of this month. The second goal I have is to think of ways to promote the program so that more churches and ministries will want to participate.
If you know me well, you know that I am a “list” person. But I must tell you that being a “list” person here in Bolivia is an extremely difficult task. Sometimes I want to push projects forward faster than the culture will allow.
Well I still make lists anyway. And I wanted to give you a little taste of what is on my list right now…
PSMC Program in La Paz
• Help launch website by end of March
• Brainstorm ways to increase participation in program (We are currently working with fourteen groups, we want a total of twenty-five by the end of March)
Cristo Redentor Anglican Church in Calacoto
• Submit grant application to US foundation to fund a new dental chair and materials to support Dental Outreach ministry to community
• Help launch a Discipleship program in church
• Help launch my pastor’s radio ministry program from back home on a radio station here in Bolivia
• Brainstorm activities and ways to improve the Saturday morning outreach program to the kids in the community
Cristo Salvador Anglican Church in Sopocachi
• Submit a special funding request to SAMS to help renovate the sound equipment in the church
• Brainstorm ways to help promote the new Daycare program at the church
• Help update the church’s website
• Create a marketing plan for the El Día event – a twenty-four hour prayer, worship and fasting event later this year. This is an event for the entire Body of Christ in four Bolivian cities and in Santiago, Chile. I am directing the marketing for this event and I am also working on a plan to raise funds for the event outside of Bolivia.
Obviously, I can’t do all this at once. I have to prioritize. In fact, I can’t do this at all. It has to be the Spirit living and working through me.
And as you can see there is no lack of work or opportunities. But one of the fears that I had when preparing to come to Bolivia was that I would get completely lost in strategic marketing projects and not have enough one on one time with kids. Now that I am here I feel that fear starting to become a reality and something is missing inside. I want to do the strategic marketing stuff because I feel God has blessed me with those skills for a reason.
But I am starting to pray for God to lead me to one particular ministry where I can volunteer time each week to be involved in the lives of the kids there. Right now I just feel like a consultant. I bounce from place to place, I raise money, I deliver things and it’s great. But I am missing consistent relationship building time with the same kids every week. I want to know the kids’ names when I visit. I want them to know my name. I want to know their stories. And I want God to intentionally use me to share His love with them.
Will you join me in praying that God will continue to use me for strategic marketing projects here but that He will also give me one particular group of kids that know my name and know that I show up every week just for them?
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