Sunday, November 05, 2006

One of those moments

I can’t NOT blog about this.
This is one of those x moments I wrote about the other day.

So yesterday I took my five year old niece Carolyn to see Disney’s Aladdin at the Alliance. My parents hung out in the lobby with my six month old nephew while Carolyn and I bought a Sprite to share and went in to see the one hour show.

It was great. We really do have an amazing children’s theatre. And my date and I shared a few cute moments that I just have to mention.

The first moment was when she leaned over to me and whispered that she had finally decided what she wanted to be when she grew up. Oh man. This is priceless. This is just one of those moments that you hope for. A great uncle moment for me. When I asked her what she wanted to be she told me she wanted to be someone who wrote the words that appear in books. Oh, I writer I said. That’s wonderful. She said that she was just working on writing sentences now but we both agreed that one day those sentences would probably turn into stories.

It was just a great reminder of the dreams we have when we are young. We all had some dream of what we wanted to be when we grew up. Mine was to be a professional soccer player. It’s just unfortunate how culture and life in general have a way of taking us down other paths than what we had hoped for when WE were five years old.

I am going to remind her of that writer thing when she is older.

The second moment happened when I asked her if she had seen the movie Aladdin alot. She said that of course she had seen the movie alot, duh. I asked her if she had ever seen it LIVE ON STAGE and she said no, but she said that TV is better.

TV is better?

Being someone who promotes live theatre for a living I couldn’t resist this opportunity…Why do you think TV is better I asked. TV moves quicker, it’s faster she said. You don’t have to wait.

You don’t have to wait.

Wow. I think that speaks volumes about that box we watch. I am not saying that we shouldn’t watch the box at all, I’m just saying that maybe we should turn it off once in a while and see what happens.

Well, we laughed and laughed and enjoyed the show and when it was over I asked her… So, do you STILL think TV is better? She shook her head no.

Sweet…score one for live theatre.

But then she said…TV is still ok though.

Of course…I said.

1 comment:

yer_bot said...

this is such a great post, before you know it she'll be stealing your thunder in the big blog world!