Thursday, May 24, 2007

Opt In

So you might have noticed the "Join My Email List" box to the right.

I can't help it.

I do marketing all day long.

So naturally I am trying to incorporate as many marketing and communication tools as possible as I launch this whole missionary thing. Thus the website, blog, myspace page, picassa web album and email management tool.

I needed a way to manage email addresses and contacts more effectively so I decided to try out a free trial of this email tool called Constant Contact. I must say. It is pretty cool. And actually pretty inexpensive.

My plan is to send out periodic emails to my list letting everyone know what is going on with me and letting everyone know what I see God up to in this world. I will also be emailing out various prayer requests.

The next big thing in this whole process is my upcoming placement trip to Bolivia in June. My goal on this trip is to determine the exact city in Bolvivia that I will be living in and the exact ministry that I will be partnering with. this post a plug for my email list. If you did not receive my email blast earlier in May and if you would like to receive periodic updates from me sent directly to your inbox, please feel free to sign up for my email list.

The more the merrier.

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