So I am starting to rethink this whole missionary thing. The fact that I can't see college football this weekend just sunk in. And it hurts. I am actually thinking about commuting from La Paz to Atlanta every Friday and then heading back on Sunday. Sounds like a plan, huh? But seriously...I can't see the Bulldogs play tomorrow and it hurts.
I checked online and I can pay to listen to the game through but I can't watch it.
There is also a device called Slingbox which is a box that can be hooked up to someone's Comcast cable back home. It would allow me to watch cable from back home right on my laptop here in La Paz. Really cool but it is like $180 and I just can't quite justify it in my mind.
I mean I am a missionary after all. I need to suffer more right?
Enjoy watching college football everyone.
But for me this weekend it will be NOOOOOOOO DAWGS!
Friday, August 29, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Less like Adam, More like God
Sorry for my lack of blogging.
It has almost been a week since I blogged and that blog was about a chocolate candy that I am addicted too…so not much substance from me lately. Yes I am in love but that is not my excuse. And yes I have been busy but I always find time to Blog. To tell you the truth I have just had a little bit of writers block this past week. No real ideas have come to me.
But I have been reading the Word more than usual this week and when that happens God just has a way of speaking to you. So I have a few random thoughts to share with you.
The first is a praise. I praise God for my girlfriend Paola. And I praise Him that we have decided to get together at a regular time each week just to share the Word and pray together. We are studying the Sermon on the Mount right now in Matthew 5-7 and I am excited to study and share the insights God gives me and excited to hold her hand and pray with her. I just have to stop and praise God for this. I don’t know if I can honestly tell you how refreshing it is to be with someone who shares the same passion for Jesus Christ that I share. I can’t tell you how many times in my past when I was wrestling in my mind trying to make a girl I met “just be Christian enough.” It is such a tremendous blessing and gift from God to be with someone who I know shares my same heart for Christ.
And I am really starting to see how being in a relationship kinda equals God shining a giant large mirror right in your face. I guess I didn’t really have great experience with this before but it just seems like relationships don’t solve your problems, they magnify them. And I can start to see my faults more when I see Paola. I see what I am not when I see her. I see what I am lacking. I see how much like Adam I am sometimes. Passive. Indecisive. Scared. But I also see in her the man that God says I can be and that is pretty exciting too. I am just realizing that I want to be more like God and less like Adam. And although I am experiencing some pretty scary self-revelations right now I am thankful that God took the time to prepare me these last three years for the Christian relationship I am enjoying now. I am so much more prepared because of the one-on-one time that I had with God these past few years after truly accepting Christ into my life on a daily basis at the start of 2005.
And the other random thought that is really on mind right now is that…I want to want Jesus to come back.
I know that the Bible says that no one knows when Jesus will come back but someone told me the other day that they thought the time was getting closer and something inside of me freaked a little bit. You know what I mean? I mean it is the “Christian thing to say” that you want Jesus to come back but I am wondering how many out there really truly mean it. How many of us are really truly ready to leave all of this stuff behind? I realized that my bags aren't quite packed yet.
I believe all this Jesus stuff. I believe He is the Son of God. I believe He died for my sins. And I believe if I don’t go see Him first, He’s gonna come get me…but something inside of me still feels my plans on this earth would be messed up a little if Jesus came back.
I mean there are things I want to do on this earth and in this life and I want to make sure I get my fill before He comes back. I just think it is funny that after all I have seen Christ do in my life, something inside of me still struggles with the realization that life in heaven will be indescribably better than anything this earth has to offer. Am I the only one out there who struggles with this? And I am “missionary” after all. How can I struggle with this of all people?
I am just being honest with you. I love Christ. And I have seen too much of His love, blessing and salvation in my life to ever leave Him. But it is a process to become more like Him and less like this world.
And I am just learning that I still think this world has way too much to offer.
It has almost been a week since I blogged and that blog was about a chocolate candy that I am addicted too…so not much substance from me lately. Yes I am in love but that is not my excuse. And yes I have been busy but I always find time to Blog. To tell you the truth I have just had a little bit of writers block this past week. No real ideas have come to me.
But I have been reading the Word more than usual this week and when that happens God just has a way of speaking to you. So I have a few random thoughts to share with you.
The first is a praise. I praise God for my girlfriend Paola. And I praise Him that we have decided to get together at a regular time each week just to share the Word and pray together. We are studying the Sermon on the Mount right now in Matthew 5-7 and I am excited to study and share the insights God gives me and excited to hold her hand and pray with her. I just have to stop and praise God for this. I don’t know if I can honestly tell you how refreshing it is to be with someone who shares the same passion for Jesus Christ that I share. I can’t tell you how many times in my past when I was wrestling in my mind trying to make a girl I met “just be Christian enough.” It is such a tremendous blessing and gift from God to be with someone who I know shares my same heart for Christ.
And I am really starting to see how being in a relationship kinda equals God shining a giant large mirror right in your face. I guess I didn’t really have great experience with this before but it just seems like relationships don’t solve your problems, they magnify them. And I can start to see my faults more when I see Paola. I see what I am not when I see her. I see what I am lacking. I see how much like Adam I am sometimes. Passive. Indecisive. Scared. But I also see in her the man that God says I can be and that is pretty exciting too. I am just realizing that I want to be more like God and less like Adam. And although I am experiencing some pretty scary self-revelations right now I am thankful that God took the time to prepare me these last three years for the Christian relationship I am enjoying now. I am so much more prepared because of the one-on-one time that I had with God these past few years after truly accepting Christ into my life on a daily basis at the start of 2005.
And the other random thought that is really on mind right now is that…I want to want Jesus to come back.
I know that the Bible says that no one knows when Jesus will come back but someone told me the other day that they thought the time was getting closer and something inside of me freaked a little bit. You know what I mean? I mean it is the “Christian thing to say” that you want Jesus to come back but I am wondering how many out there really truly mean it. How many of us are really truly ready to leave all of this stuff behind? I realized that my bags aren't quite packed yet.
I believe all this Jesus stuff. I believe He is the Son of God. I believe He died for my sins. And I believe if I don’t go see Him first, He’s gonna come get me…but something inside of me still feels my plans on this earth would be messed up a little if Jesus came back.
I mean there are things I want to do on this earth and in this life and I want to make sure I get my fill before He comes back. I just think it is funny that after all I have seen Christ do in my life, something inside of me still struggles with the realization that life in heaven will be indescribably better than anything this earth has to offer. Am I the only one out there who struggles with this? And I am “missionary” after all. How can I struggle with this of all people?
I am just being honest with you. I love Christ. And I have seen too much of His love, blessing and salvation in my life to ever leave Him. But it is a process to become more like Him and less like this world.
And I am just learning that I still think this world has way too much to offer.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Got a New Drug
I want a new drug
One that wont make me sick
One that wont make me crash my car
Or make me feel three feet thick
Thank you Huey Lewis and The News...
Yes. I want a new drug. And I found it.
They are really cheap versions of M&Ms. And all the stands on the corners here in La Paz sell them. I can't stop eating them.
I have a problem.
One that wont make me sick
One that wont make me crash my car
Or make me feel three feet thick
Thank you Huey Lewis and The News...
Yes. I want a new drug. And I found it.
They are really cheap versions of M&Ms. And all the stands on the corners here in La Paz sell them. I can't stop eating them.
I have a problem.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Here are the top…
…priorities on my list right now…
And let me just say that God is so cool. Although I get frustrated and overwhelmed at times, I just have to stop and give Him praise that He allows me to serve His kingdom here in Bolivia full-time. And I thank Him for YOU. My friends and family who support me. Without God working in your heart to support me I could not serve Him here.
The list right now…
• Work with two others to plan and execute a communications workshop here in La Paz on 9/3. I am super excited and the two people who are helping me plan this are amazing. I am stoked that we have this opportunity to help churches and ministries here in La Paz learn some practical ways to better communicate the amazing work that God is doing through them.
• Managing marketing campaign for EL DIA event. Finishing up a video and a poster design in English and Spanish. I am working with the marketing on a national level so I am communicating with teams in various cities around Bolivia, with a team in Santiago, Chile and with a team in Dayton, Ohio.
• Trying to finish two applications for funding. One application to support an educational outreach project for the Anglican Church in Tarija. And another application for the Anglican Church that I attend here in La Paz. They need funds to support their new daycare project.
• Record a new update video for my sending church back home. And putting together a recap video for the short-term mission team that visited Bolivia from the church recently.
• Working on website changes and updates for the Anglican Church that I attend here.
• Working with a designer to design and produce and new brochure for an organization here called LIBOPEN. This group trains teachers and workers of churches and various ministries to share the gospel more effectively to the kids that they teach and serve.
Just some highlights.
I can’t honestly put into words what God has allowed me to be a part of this year so far. It has truly been amazing. And I have about three and a half more months to go before I head back to the USA.
I can’t wait to see what God does in these next three months. And I know that if I stay surrendered to Him the opportunities will be endless.
And let me just say that God is so cool. Although I get frustrated and overwhelmed at times, I just have to stop and give Him praise that He allows me to serve His kingdom here in Bolivia full-time. And I thank Him for YOU. My friends and family who support me. Without God working in your heart to support me I could not serve Him here.
The list right now…
• Work with two others to plan and execute a communications workshop here in La Paz on 9/3. I am super excited and the two people who are helping me plan this are amazing. I am stoked that we have this opportunity to help churches and ministries here in La Paz learn some practical ways to better communicate the amazing work that God is doing through them.
• Managing marketing campaign for EL DIA event. Finishing up a video and a poster design in English and Spanish. I am working with the marketing on a national level so I am communicating with teams in various cities around Bolivia, with a team in Santiago, Chile and with a team in Dayton, Ohio.
• Trying to finish two applications for funding. One application to support an educational outreach project for the Anglican Church in Tarija. And another application for the Anglican Church that I attend here in La Paz. They need funds to support their new daycare project.
• Record a new update video for my sending church back home. And putting together a recap video for the short-term mission team that visited Bolivia from the church recently.
• Working on website changes and updates for the Anglican Church that I attend here.
• Working with a designer to design and produce and new brochure for an organization here called LIBOPEN. This group trains teachers and workers of churches and various ministries to share the gospel more effectively to the kids that they teach and serve.
Just some highlights.
I can’t honestly put into words what God has allowed me to be a part of this year so far. It has truly been amazing. And I have about three and a half more months to go before I head back to the USA.
I can’t wait to see what God does in these next three months. And I know that if I stay surrendered to Him the opportunities will be endless.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Casa de Esperanza
A truly amazing trip this past weekend.
A trip that really took me out of my comfort zone. You might say Curt…isn’t living in a third world country out of your comfort zone enough? But sadly enough my answer to you is…no. La Paz is still a pretty big city and it takes me really getting out of the city these days to get freaked out. I am fairly comfortable roaming around the city right now.
My trip to Caranavi this weekend was definitely out of my comfort zone. A five hour bus ride outside of La Paz. The final two hours of the trip were pretty exciting because we were traveling on a one lane dirt road on the side of cliffs with cars coming both ways… when two trucks/buses meet…one has to back up until there is space to go around. What an adventure.
Caranavi is in the jungle of Bolivia, an area known as “Los Yungas.” It was hot, humid and there were wild animals/bugs/ants. The jungle basically.
The orphanage that we visited is called “Casa de Esperanza.” It is located in the jungle above Caranavi. A very beautiful and picturesque place. My girlfriend Paola lived and worked here for about a year and a half. About 60 orphans live there, ranging from babies to about 12 years old. There are about 20 more youth that live in the town of Caranavi as well. The staff and directors are great with the kids. And the most important goal is for each and every child to grow into a loving relationship with Jesus Christ.
We arrived on Friday evening and had some time to hang with the kids. I can’t get enough time with orphans. I can’t hug them enough. I can’t love them enough. I can’t play with them enough. I can’t talk to them about Jesus enough. In fact, one of the first questions one of the kids asked me was, “What is your testimony?” It doesn’t get any easier than that to share your faith. Something wonderful just happens inside of me when I have opportunities like this. I just thank God that He called me here to Bolivia so that I could have these experiences.
On Saturday we worked with the kids in the morning, had lunch with them and then played games with them and did activities with them in the afternoon and evening. On Sunday we had a worship service with the kids on-site. Pao led the worship and I got to share some insight and stories from the Bible with the kids. This really pushed me out of my comfort zone because they asked me the night before to share some words with the kids. I was a little freaked but what a privilege and opportunity. Here are a few shots of me sharing with the kids…
What I loved the most was that I was forced to put my trust in God. I was forced to rely on Him to speak through me. I think God loves to put us in those positions sometimes. Also, I just praise God for Paola because she was right there by my side telling me that I could do it. Sometimes guys just need to hear someone tell them that they have what it takes. Not only do I love Pao but this weekend I realized that God brought her into my life because I NEED her too. God knows what I lack and He knows what I need. He knew Paola is what I needed. And I love Him more for that.
Overall…a great great great weekend. I uploaded some photos from the trip…check them out HERE.
A trip that really took me out of my comfort zone. You might say Curt…isn’t living in a third world country out of your comfort zone enough? But sadly enough my answer to you is…no. La Paz is still a pretty big city and it takes me really getting out of the city these days to get freaked out. I am fairly comfortable roaming around the city right now.
My trip to Caranavi this weekend was definitely out of my comfort zone. A five hour bus ride outside of La Paz. The final two hours of the trip were pretty exciting because we were traveling on a one lane dirt road on the side of cliffs with cars coming both ways… when two trucks/buses meet…one has to back up until there is space to go around. What an adventure.
Caranavi is in the jungle of Bolivia, an area known as “Los Yungas.” It was hot, humid and there were wild animals/bugs/ants. The jungle basically.
The orphanage that we visited is called “Casa de Esperanza.” It is located in the jungle above Caranavi. A very beautiful and picturesque place. My girlfriend Paola lived and worked here for about a year and a half. About 60 orphans live there, ranging from babies to about 12 years old. There are about 20 more youth that live in the town of Caranavi as well. The staff and directors are great with the kids. And the most important goal is for each and every child to grow into a loving relationship with Jesus Christ.
We arrived on Friday evening and had some time to hang with the kids. I can’t get enough time with orphans. I can’t hug them enough. I can’t love them enough. I can’t play with them enough. I can’t talk to them about Jesus enough. In fact, one of the first questions one of the kids asked me was, “What is your testimony?” It doesn’t get any easier than that to share your faith. Something wonderful just happens inside of me when I have opportunities like this. I just thank God that He called me here to Bolivia so that I could have these experiences.
On Saturday we worked with the kids in the morning, had lunch with them and then played games with them and did activities with them in the afternoon and evening. On Sunday we had a worship service with the kids on-site. Pao led the worship and I got to share some insight and stories from the Bible with the kids. This really pushed me out of my comfort zone because they asked me the night before to share some words with the kids. I was a little freaked but what a privilege and opportunity. Here are a few shots of me sharing with the kids…
What I loved the most was that I was forced to put my trust in God. I was forced to rely on Him to speak through me. I think God loves to put us in those positions sometimes. Also, I just praise God for Paola because she was right there by my side telling me that I could do it. Sometimes guys just need to hear someone tell them that they have what it takes. Not only do I love Pao but this weekend I realized that God brought her into my life because I NEED her too. God knows what I lack and He knows what I need. He knew Paola is what I needed. And I love Him more for that.
Overall…a great great great weekend. I uploaded some photos from the trip…check them out HERE.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
What up ya´ll.
Just a heads up to let you know that tomorrow morning I will be traveling to a small town in Bolivia called Caranavi. The town is about 5-6 hours outside of La Paz in a place called ¨Los Yungas¨. It is the jungle region outside of La Paz so I will be descending from the mountains into the tropics.
I will be traveling with Paola, her mom, sister, a few aunts, her cousin and her cousin´s boyfriend. We are going to visit an orphanage called ¨Casa de Esperanza¨ which in English means ¨House of Hope¨. This is the orphanage where Paola lived and worked for a year and a half and she likes to visit every so often.
I will have my camera and my video camera. I am excited about visiting a new area of Bolivia and I am excited about traveling with Paola to a place that means so much to her. It means alot to me to go with her.
I should have some pics and videos to share.
We get back on Sunday night.
Have a great weekend friends.
Just a heads up to let you know that tomorrow morning I will be traveling to a small town in Bolivia called Caranavi. The town is about 5-6 hours outside of La Paz in a place called ¨Los Yungas¨. It is the jungle region outside of La Paz so I will be descending from the mountains into the tropics.
I will be traveling with Paola, her mom, sister, a few aunts, her cousin and her cousin´s boyfriend. We are going to visit an orphanage called ¨Casa de Esperanza¨ which in English means ¨House of Hope¨. This is the orphanage where Paola lived and worked for a year and a half and she likes to visit every so often.
I will have my camera and my video camera. I am excited about visiting a new area of Bolivia and I am excited about traveling with Paola to a place that means so much to her. It means alot to me to go with her.
I should have some pics and videos to share.
We get back on Sunday night.
Have a great weekend friends.
Monday, August 11, 2008
So here are a few more pictures that I confiscated from my beautiful/rockstar/latin/christian/bolivian girlfriend...
Paola with a few kids from the orphanage "Casa de Esperanza". She worked at the home for a year and a half...
Pao with her niece Jerusalem...(I name)
Pao with her mom Ruth...
Pao with her sister Febe...
Seriously. Either this girl is too good to be true or God just really knows me and loves me...I am gonna go with God just really knows me and loves me...
Paola with a few kids from the orphanage "Casa de Esperanza". She worked at the home for a year and a half...
Pao with her niece Jerusalem...(I name)
Pao with her mom Ruth...
Pao with her sister Febe...
Seriously. Either this girl is too good to be true or God just really knows me and loves me...I am gonna go with God just really knows me and loves me...
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Seeing Opportunities not Obstacles
Sometimes I just see obstacles when God clearly sees an opportunity.
One of the groups that I am involved with here in La Paz is the Red Viva Network. A network of churches and ministries working with children at risk. As I have mentioned before…my role is that of a marketing consultant. I have already worked with a few organizations individually that are part of the network to help them improve their communications.
Well…we were in a meeting about a week ago with some of the members of the network and one person asked my boss Pablo when we were going to have a workshop to train and help all of the groups improve their communications platform.
I knew exactly what this meant…it meant when will Curt be able to give us a workshop to share the practical knowledge that he has regarding communications. It meant…when will Curt stop running around the city dealing with people one on one and when will he stand up in front of all us for a day and help us all at one time.
Another gulp.
Pablo set a date of Tuesday, August 26th for the workshop and immediately I saw an obstacle.
I can’t do that.
What will I say?
A whole day…I can’t talk for that long.
Is my Spanish good enough or will Pablo have to translate?
Can we postpone it so I can have more time to prepare?
I will look like an idiot in front of them.
I won’t be able to help them.
All lies. And all obstacles whispered into my ear by the enemy. The enemy wants me to see this as impossible because he doesn’t want these organizations to improve their communications. Because improved communications might mean more funds and more funds might mean more kids saved from a life of darkness.
And I can’t believe that I actually believed the enemy. I immediately felt overwhelmed and unworthy to give this workshop. Basically…I just saw all of the obstacles.
And then when I was listening to the sermon at church this past Sunday it hit me. The sermon talked about the parable of the talents where the rich dude goes away for a little while and gives some money to his servants to manage. Two servants take what they get and double the money. But one servant takes the money and hides it to protect it for his master.
It was a simple lesson…what do we do with the talents and opportunities that God gives us?
Do we take them and use them to multiply things and bear fruit?
Or do we take them and hide them in the dirt?
It hit me during the sermon that this workshop is a talent. It is an opportunity to take something that God has blessed me…to take some knowledge that God has blessed me with and use it to bless others.
This workshop is not an obstacle…it is an opportunity.
It is an opportunity to impact many organizations at once instead of impacting them one at a time.
Ahhh…the beauty of workshops where you bring people together.
I have been a little confused about my involvement in Red Viva because I have felt that although I have consulted a few ministries I have not really focused a lot on how I can help the network.
Well I just praise God that He placed this workshop in my path so that I would no longer feel confused about what He needs me to do. He needs me to stand up in front of ministries on Tuesday, August 26th and try to help them better communicate the work that they do in a practical and fresh way.
Please pray for me. Please pray that I will take advantage of this opportunity and NOT that I will overcome this obstacle. Because it's no's an opportunity.
What obstacles do you see in your path that are really opportunities?
One of the groups that I am involved with here in La Paz is the Red Viva Network. A network of churches and ministries working with children at risk. As I have mentioned before…my role is that of a marketing consultant. I have already worked with a few organizations individually that are part of the network to help them improve their communications.
Well…we were in a meeting about a week ago with some of the members of the network and one person asked my boss Pablo when we were going to have a workshop to train and help all of the groups improve their communications platform.
I knew exactly what this meant…it meant when will Curt be able to give us a workshop to share the practical knowledge that he has regarding communications. It meant…when will Curt stop running around the city dealing with people one on one and when will he stand up in front of all us for a day and help us all at one time.
Another gulp.
Pablo set a date of Tuesday, August 26th for the workshop and immediately I saw an obstacle.
I can’t do that.
What will I say?
A whole day…I can’t talk for that long.
Is my Spanish good enough or will Pablo have to translate?
Can we postpone it so I can have more time to prepare?
I will look like an idiot in front of them.
I won’t be able to help them.
All lies. And all obstacles whispered into my ear by the enemy. The enemy wants me to see this as impossible because he doesn’t want these organizations to improve their communications. Because improved communications might mean more funds and more funds might mean more kids saved from a life of darkness.
And I can’t believe that I actually believed the enemy. I immediately felt overwhelmed and unworthy to give this workshop. Basically…I just saw all of the obstacles.
And then when I was listening to the sermon at church this past Sunday it hit me. The sermon talked about the parable of the talents where the rich dude goes away for a little while and gives some money to his servants to manage. Two servants take what they get and double the money. But one servant takes the money and hides it to protect it for his master.
It was a simple lesson…what do we do with the talents and opportunities that God gives us?
Do we take them and use them to multiply things and bear fruit?
Or do we take them and hide them in the dirt?
It hit me during the sermon that this workshop is a talent. It is an opportunity to take something that God has blessed me…to take some knowledge that God has blessed me with and use it to bless others.
This workshop is not an obstacle…it is an opportunity.
It is an opportunity to impact many organizations at once instead of impacting them one at a time.
Ahhh…the beauty of workshops where you bring people together.
I have been a little confused about my involvement in Red Viva because I have felt that although I have consulted a few ministries I have not really focused a lot on how I can help the network.
Well I just praise God that He placed this workshop in my path so that I would no longer feel confused about what He needs me to do. He needs me to stand up in front of ministries on Tuesday, August 26th and try to help them better communicate the work that they do in a practical and fresh way.
Please pray for me. Please pray that I will take advantage of this opportunity and NOT that I will overcome this obstacle. Because it's no's an opportunity.
What obstacles do you see in your path that are really opportunities?
Thursday, August 07, 2008
My First "Quince"
Ok. So I lied about showing pictures from our 6 de Agosto celebration yesterday. It was pretty chill and I didn't really take any.
But I do have just a few pictures to show you from my first "Quince" party this past weekend.
What is a "Quince" you might ask?
"Quince" is Spanish for fifteen. Here in Bolivia the girls have big parties when they turn fifteen. Not sixteen like it is in the states. So why was I at a fifteen year old's party? Well Paola received an invite to attend the "Quince" of a girl on her volleyball team this past Saturday night. And I got to join her.
It was a cool experience. It kinda felt like a wedding reception with the decorations, the band and the cake. And it started around 9 p.m. and lasted until 3 a.m. Yikes.
But it was a good time. I felt a little old. But a good time none the less. And I got to dance Salsa with Paola for the first time so that in itself was worth it.
Here are just a few photos...
The "QuinceƱera" dancing the waltz with a family member...
Pao with a few of her volleyball friends...
The two lovebirds with the "QuinceƱera"...
Another Bolivian tradition checked off the list...
But I do have just a few pictures to show you from my first "Quince" party this past weekend.
What is a "Quince" you might ask?
"Quince" is Spanish for fifteen. Here in Bolivia the girls have big parties when they turn fifteen. Not sixteen like it is in the states. So why was I at a fifteen year old's party? Well Paola received an invite to attend the "Quince" of a girl on her volleyball team this past Saturday night. And I got to join her.
It was a cool experience. It kinda felt like a wedding reception with the decorations, the band and the cake. And it started around 9 p.m. and lasted until 3 a.m. Yikes.
But it was a good time. I felt a little old. But a good time none the less. And I got to dance Salsa with Paola for the first time so that in itself was worth it.
Here are just a few photos...
The "QuinceƱera" dancing the waltz with a family member...
Pao with a few of her volleyball friends...
The two lovebirds with the "QuinceƱera"...
Another Bolivian tradition checked off the list...
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
6 de Agosto
Today is the 6 de Agosto.
A holiday here in Bolivia. Independence Day.
Today I will be spending the day with Paola, her family and some friends.
I promise some pics tomorrow. Happy Wednesday.
A holiday here in Bolivia. Independence Day.
Today I will be spending the day with Paola, her family and some friends.
I promise some pics tomorrow. Happy Wednesday.
Saturday, August 02, 2008
Let me get that...
Some things just stick with you. Some issues that you struggle with follow you. Some tendencies that you have are hard to drop. No matter where you go.
Going to a new location doesn’t automatically translate into a new YOU.
I am seeing that in my life right now with regards to my work.
Recently I have felt like I am drowning in projects. But I thank God that I finally got to a breaking point and told Pablo that I needed to drop some things. It took longer than it should have. And I really need to admit sooner when I feel like I have too much going on.
I listed all of the projects that I am working on and he helped me prioritize a few, drop a few and delegate a few. There’s that word again…delegate. I have heard that word before. Which brings me to the tendency that I find hard to drop.
Not Delegating.
I have had a problem delegating projects all my work life. In Atlanta working for seven years working as a marketing professional I had the problem. In La Paz right now working as a missionary I have the same problem.
I have a tendency to want to take the entire load onto my shoulders. I want to do it all. The good side of this tendency is that I have a drive to work and help as many people as possible. The bad side of this tendency is that I get overwhelmed and I don’t give others a chance to help.
In my specific case as a missionary in another culture I dare say that it is MORE important now that I delegate because I give Bolivian nationals the opportunity to serve their own peeps instead of me coming into town guns blazin’ like John Wayne as the American with all the answers.
They tell you as a missionary that a good goal to have is to “work yourself OUT of a job.” Help the nationals “not need you.”
Right now…all I seem to be doing is “working myself INTO as many jobs as possible.” I guess I have to work myself in before I can work myself out.
Going to a new location doesn’t automatically translate into a new YOU.
I am seeing that in my life right now with regards to my work.
Recently I have felt like I am drowning in projects. But I thank God that I finally got to a breaking point and told Pablo that I needed to drop some things. It took longer than it should have. And I really need to admit sooner when I feel like I have too much going on.
I listed all of the projects that I am working on and he helped me prioritize a few, drop a few and delegate a few. There’s that word again…delegate. I have heard that word before. Which brings me to the tendency that I find hard to drop.
Not Delegating.
I have had a problem delegating projects all my work life. In Atlanta working for seven years working as a marketing professional I had the problem. In La Paz right now working as a missionary I have the same problem.
I have a tendency to want to take the entire load onto my shoulders. I want to do it all. The good side of this tendency is that I have a drive to work and help as many people as possible. The bad side of this tendency is that I get overwhelmed and I don’t give others a chance to help.
In my specific case as a missionary in another culture I dare say that it is MORE important now that I delegate because I give Bolivian nationals the opportunity to serve their own peeps instead of me coming into town guns blazin’ like John Wayne as the American with all the answers.
They tell you as a missionary that a good goal to have is to “work yourself OUT of a job.” Help the nationals “not need you.”
Right now…all I seem to be doing is “working myself INTO as many jobs as possible.” I guess I have to work myself in before I can work myself out.
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